Thursday, December 19, 2013

invented brief and design idea...


It would be easy to take Kate Moss' quote below to be about her addictions, and about physically being unable to think and feel while intoxicated. But there is also a sadness to the second part, where she admits why she pursued those moments and addictions... not so the loss of feeling would be a symptom, but so it would be the main pursuit. She actively did not want to feel. This gives rise to my idea known as Moody House, a transforming and disappearing structure that rises and falls out of the landscape. When Kate Moss wants to disappear and stop interacting with the world, the house disappears. When she wants to retreat from everything and stop feeling anything, the house retreats with her.

This house was required to be on a site, so in the same way I played with the concept of the case for house 2, I wanted the concept of the site to be different here too. Instead of just throwing a building onto some hills, the site had to be the house and design itself. The individual pieces would be concealed within the landscape and contours, and would then physically rise up, swivel out and protrude from their hiding places, interlocking into each other and forming a complete structure. The house then dismantles itself again and retreats back into the landscape, to be awoken again soon.

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